Galenopharmaceutical Industry

The galenopharmaceutical industry is a branch of the pharmaceutical industry that produces medicines according to recipes and technologies described in the works of the ancient Greek physician Galen.

The name "galenopharmaceuticals" comes from the name of Galen, an outstanding physician and scientist of Ancient Greece and Rome, who made a huge contribution to the development of medicine and pharmacology. Galen developed many recipes for medicines based on plant, animal and mineral raw materials, which were actively used in medical practice for almost 1500 years.

Enterprises of the herbal pharmaceutical industry produce dosage forms such as tinctures, decoctions, ointments, powders, extracts and others - mainly based on natural plant materials. The products of galenopharmaceutical enterprises differ from modern synthetic drugs in that they are manufactured according to traditional recipes using natural ingredients.

Currently, herbal medicines occupy a certain niche in the pharmaceutical market. Some of them retain their importance to this day, despite the development of modern pharmaceutical chemistry. The galenopharmaceutical industry thus makes it possible to combine the achievements of traditional and modern medicine to create effective and safe medicines.