Hemeralopia Alimentary

Nutritional hemeralopia is a visual impairment characterized by decreased visual acuity at dusk and at night. The cause of the disease is a deficiency of vitamin A in the body due to poor nutrition.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Decreased visual acuity in the dark, especially in low light. During the day, vision does not suffer.

  2. Dryness and burning in the eyes.

  3. Increased sensitivity to bright light.

  4. Sensation of a “veil” before the eyes at dusk.

Causes of vitamin A deficiency:

  1. Insufficient consumption of foods containing vitamin A - liver, carrots, dark green leafy vegetables, butter, eggs.

  2. Impaired absorption of vitamin A in the intestine in gastrointestinal diseases.

  3. Increased need for the vitamin during intensive growth, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Treatment consists of prescribing medications containing vitamin A and adjusting the diet. The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable.