
Hemosorption is a method of purifying the blood of toxins and other harmful substances, which is used in medicine and cosmetology. This method is based on the use of special sorbents that are able to absorb harmful substances from the blood.

Hemosorption is carried out using a special apparatus called a hemosorption apparatus. It consists of a filter that is filled with sorbent and a pump that pumps blood through the filter.

One of the main advantages of hemosorption is its high efficiency. It allows you to cleanse the blood of many harmful substances, such as toxins, allergens, hormones and others. Hemosorption can be carried out in both adults and children.

However, like any other treatment method, hemosorption has its contraindications. For example, it should not be performed if you have serious heart, kidney, or liver problems, or other serious medical conditions. In addition, hemosorption should not be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers.

In general, hemosorption is an effective method of purifying the blood from harmful substances and can be used in various fields of medicine, including surgery, therapy, neurology and cosmetology.