
Glinil: antidiabetic agent based on glibenclamide

Glinil is an antidiabetic agent that contains the active ingredient glibenclamide. This drug belongs to the group of sulfonylurea derivatives and is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus when it is impossible to compensate for hyperglycemia with diet, weight loss and physical activity. In this article we will look at the main characteristics, indications for use, contraindications, side effects and interactions of glinyl.

Characteristics of clay

Glinil is manufactured in India by Usha Intercontinental and is available in the form of 5 mg tablets. The international name of this drug is glibenclamide, and it is also known under synonyms: Antibet, Apo-Glyburide, Betanaz, Betanase, Gen-Glib, Gilemal, Glamid, Glibamid, Glibenclamide, Glibenclamide AVD 5, Glibenclamide Nycomed, Glidanil, Glimidstada 1.75 Shtada, Glibenclamide 3.5 Stada, Glucobene, Glucomide, Daonil, Diabetes control, Diabeta, Maniglide.

Indications for use

Glinil is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus when it is impossible to compensate for hyperglycemia with diet, weight loss and physical activity.


Contraindications to the use of glinil include hypersensitivity (including to sulfonamide drugs, thiazade diuretics), diabetic precomatous and comatose state, ketoacidosis, extensive burns, surgery and trauma, intestinal obstruction, gastric paresis, conditions accompanied by impaired absorption of food, the development of hypoglycemia ( infectious diseases, etc.), hypo- or hyperthyroidism, impaired liver and kidney function, leukopenia, type 1 diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects

When using clay, the following side effects may occur:

  1. From the cardiovascular system and blood: rarely - thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, erythrocytopenia, pancytopenia, eosinophilia, leukocytopenia, agranulocytosis (very rarely), in some cases - hypoplastic or hemolytic anemia.
  2. From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, drowsiness, visual disturbances, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, confusion, convulsions.
  3. From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, increased appetite, hepatitis, jaundice, increased activity of liver enzymes.
  4. Allergic reactions: urticaria, itching, eczema, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.
  5. Others: renal dysfunction, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia (if misused or taken together with other antidiabetic drugs).


Glinil can enhance the effect of other antidiabetic drugs, as well as reduce the effectiveness of digoxin, anticoagulants, thyroid hormones, glucocorticosteroids, antiepileptic drugs, salicylates, phenytoin, cyclosporine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

When glinil is used simultaneously with alcohol, a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels may occur, which can lead to the development of hypoglycemia.


Glinil is an antidiabetic agent that contains glibenclamide. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus when hyperglycemia cannot be compensated for by diet, weight loss, and physical activity. However, when using clay, side effects are possible, such as impaired cardiovascular function