Glomerulonephritis Proliferative Intracapillary

Proliferative intracapillary glomerulonephritis (g. proliferativa intracapillaris; synonym - intracapillary nephritis) is a kidney disease characterized by cell proliferation in the lumen of the capillaries of the glomeruli of the kidneys.

With this disease, there is a thickening of the basement membrane of the glomerular capillaries and proliferation of cells (hypercellularity) in the lumen of the capillaries. This leads to impaired filtration function of the kidneys and the development of renal failure.

The main causes of proliferative intracapillary glomerulonephritis include immunocomplex reactions in infectious (usually streptococcal) and autoimmune diseases.

This type of glomerulonephritis is diagnosed using a kidney biopsy and histological examination. Treatment includes immunosuppressive, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment and can range from complete recovery to the development of chronic renal failure.

Glomerulonephritis is a group of chronic kidney diseases in which dystrophic changes and atrophy develop in the glomeruli of the kidneys due to acute inflammation, immune damage to the glomeruli due to disruption of immunoregulatory processes.

Glomerulopathy is characterized by increased permeability of the glomerular membrane, difficulty urinating, swelling and changes in other functions of the urinary system. The pathology occurs in acute and chronic forms, accompanied by general and local damage to the body. More often, glomerulopathies are detected in patients over 40 years of age. Among women, the disease is registered 5 times more often than among men. Often glomerulonephritis is preceded by acute inflammatory pathologies, acute respiratory viral infections, and allergies. Treatment of pathological processes is complex. Doctors often prescribe the nephroprotective drug Veroshpiron.

Proliferative-infiltrative glomerulonephritis or proliferative arteriosclerosis - progressive chronic glomerulosclerosis,

Proliferatura intracapilar glomerulonephritis (nephritis proliferatura intracapilam?r) is a variant of the chronic course of acute glomunerlorulonephritis, which develops under the condition of prolonged passage of inflammatory and allergic processes in the affected glomeruli. The adhesion of healthy tubular cells and the destruction of capillary walls contribute to the launch of inflammatory processes. Impaired microcirculation in the kidney leads to a deterioration in metabolic processes, the accumulation of toxins and a decrease in organ function. An ultrasound examination of the kidneys shows significant structural changes. In advanced stages, the patient may

Glomerulonephritis, proliferative intracapsular

Intracapillary glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the tubular renal glomerular capillaries, accompanied by a proliferative infiltrate covering the basement membrane and surrounding kidney tissue. One of the options for classifying this form of glomerulonephritis is to divide all patients according to the form of the disease into two subgroups: the latent form of glomerulonephritis (slow progressive disease) with a very long quiet course without pronounced clinical manifestations and the rapid form with malignant clinical manifestations (rapid progressive disease). disease), is a life-threatening course of patients that is the main cause of mortality among this group of patients. Fibroplastic malformation (FPCS) or narrowing of the arteries from atheromatosis (affectomatous fibrosis, athergophobia), is the terminal phase of the vascular lesion of Hentegeroth nephropathy.

Narrowing, subgastric, pontine, caval and abdominal with their significant stenotic lesions cause resistance to blood flow, which is accompanied by hypertrophy and protrusion of individual sections of the parenchyma due to expansion and swelling of the interlobar folds - the anatomical basis of nephrofobralia. Developing retinal hypoperfusion of the kidney is accompanied by its atrophy, fibrosis and wrinkling. Reaching a certain size and degree of sclerosis of the interstitium