
Heterosides (Glycosides, glycolipids) are compounds consisting of a carbohydrate and lipid part (glycosyl-glycerol residue).

These include:

– Flavonoids
– Terpenoids
– Glycoproteins
– Hemoglobin

Heterosides play important roles in biological processes such as immune defense, signal transduction and metabolic regulation. They can also be used as medicines and dietary supplements.

Glycosides are natural compounds that have a common structural basis “hydrocarbon - carbohydrate chain” with molecules of water or other polar molecules. Depending on the nature of the group located at one end of the carbohydrate chain, so-called α- and β-glycosides are distinguished, including amino-, thio-, acyloxy-, keto-, nitro-, etc., as well as more complex esters carbohydrate