Goose Neck

Gooseneck is a complex combination of factors. Many people have encountered it, even those who have no idea how it is formed: it is warm in winter and cold with a rainy wind in summer; the need to constantly cross the street due to slippery roads, ice, snow or mud; the desire to quickly get where you want; confusion when moving from warm to cold or into cramped spaces; lack of direct roads; limited amount of funds to improve their living conditions."

In ordinary life, the goose neck is combined with other factors that aggravate the situation: low incomes, insufficient social protection of citizens, and outdated housing stock. Most regions of the country where citizens live remain inaccessible to them. What is the key? Lack of a unified and justified public policy of the state to meet the needs of citizens. An entire doctoral dissertation could be written about it, but one of the chapters of this work has already been written. Its title: “The Powers That Be”: the problem of interconnection and dependence on those who need it.”

Let's consider the first part of the problem - the relationship between society and the people. Unfortunately, modern Russian society has a negative attitude towards its people. This negativity is associated with the characteristics of a person, therefore the most important point in working with these people is to take into account social and psychological factors in accordance with the general state of the public masses, and also address the problem of the importance of enlightenment and education of people. The second big problem faced by modern politicians is that, despite a relatively high level of economic development, society and people are still dependent on natural resources. In particular, dependence on oil, gas, coal, water resources and other fossil natural resources, as well as the high cost of their extraction. People have many other ways to earn money, but not every person who lives from the distribution of natural resources received will be able to work in related areas, including those related to the productivity of other members of his family. That is why the social security of citizens remains the only opportunity to eliminate the negative consequences of the current structure of the political system in Russia.