Habb al-sanavbar - pine nuts pine nuts

The nuts of this tree are more tender than pistachios and have a thin, loose and red skin, under which there is an oblong, white, oily, sweet core. These are large pine nuts called kunus.

As for the small ones, these are triangular nuts with a denser skin and a sharper-tasting core, which contains acridity and astringency. The small nuts are more like a medicine than something suitable for nutrition.

Large nuts are, as it were, balanced, rather hot and more moist, while small nuts are dry to the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Pine nuts promote ripening, soften, dissolve and burn, especially fresh ones. The burning sensation disappears if they are soaked in water, and then the smoothing and gluing property becomes perfect, although it was fully inherent in them before. Their substance is earthy and watery; it has a certain airiness to it.


Tools with joints.
Large pine nuts are useful for relaxing the organs and weakening the body; they dry out the spoiled fluids present in the body.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Small and large nuts are useful for rotten fluids in the lungs, pus, bleeding and cough; They are especially useful with fresh maybukhtaj, as they have a slight bitterness. If boiled in sweet wine, they are very good for cleansing the lungs of pus. Their peel and woody part act in exactly the same way if they are included in medicines for licking.

Nutritional organs.
If you make a medicinal bandage on the stomach from pine nuts with wormwood, this will strengthen it. Pine nuts are difficult to digest, but provide strong and abundant nutrition. They cause a burning sensation in the stomach unless soaked in hot water; then a person with a hot nature can eat them with candy, and a person with a cold nature can eat them with honey; in this case they are digested and act excellently and are good for the stomach. Dioscorides says, “They are bad for the stomach,” but it seems that this is only if they are spoiled or rancid. As for soaked pine nuts, they are good and can correct the damage caused by unmarked nuts and dispel the winds caused by them. If you drink them with purslane, they not only do not burn, but also soothe the burning sensation.

Eruption organs.
They greatly increase sex drive and semen quantity if eaten with sesame seeds, candy, honey and molasses. Eating pine nuts, large and small, in large quantities causes pain in the intestines. A remedy against this is bitter pomegranate seeds, which are sucked after eating pine nuts. Pine nuts strongly cleanse the kidneys and bladder of bad juices, give them the power to retain urine and cure both types of urine leakage drop by drop. They also protect the bladder from ulcers and stones, drive urine and provide benefits in the form of a medicinal dressing with wormwood.