
Haloperidol is an antipsychotic drug from the group of typical antipsychotics, a butyrophenone derivative.

Producing countries: Russia, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary.

Manufacturers: ALSI Pharma (Russia), Biologici Italia Laboratories (Italy), Bioreactor (Russia), Weimer Pharma GmbH (Germany), Polfa Warsaw Pharmaceutical Plant (Poland), Vector (Russia), Gedeon Richter A.O. (Hungary), State Plant of Medicinal Products/Research Institute of OHT (Russia).

International name: Haloperidol.

Synonyms: Apo-Haloperidol, Haloper, Haloperidol decanoate, Haloperidol-Acri, Haloperidol-Ratiopharm, Haloperidol-Ferein, Senorm, Trankodol-5.

Dosage forms: injection solution, tablets, drops, concentrate for solution preparation.

Ingredients: Haloperidol.

Indications for use: psychomotor agitation, psychosis, schizophrenia, chorea, vomiting, hiccups.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, central nervous system diseases, depression, pregnancy, lactation, age under 3 years.

Side effects: extrapyramidal disorders, arterial hypotension, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, endocrine system.

Interaction: enhances the effect of antihypertensives, analgesics, antidepressants, alcohol. Weakens the effect of anticoagulants.

Overdose: extrapyramidal disorders, hypotension, coma, respiratory depression.

Special instructions: with caution in case of cardiovascular diseases, renal failure.