Harbak abyad - white hellebore

White hellebore is bast, bark and branches of various shapes, similar to a corroded tooth, white, not heavy; they are also similar to marshmallow roots. The bitterness of white hellebore is stronger than that of black hellebore, and the plant is similar to plantain and wild beet, but shorter. It is red in color, its stem is up to four fingers long and empty inside. It has many roots emerging from one rhizome, like an onion. White hellebore grows in mountainous areas. It is collected during the harvest and dried.

The best hellebore is one with a flat and smooth surface, white, quickly crumbling, large, thin, and does not immediately sting the tongue and cause salivation. And as for the one that immediately pinches the tongue, it strangles; actions related to its use are given in the “Properties” section.

Hot, dry in the middle of the third degree.

Actions and properties.
White hellebore is more bitter, and black hellebore is more pungent, and if a mouse eats it, it will die - this is sometimes done on purpose. Mice are given it to eat in oatmeal with honey. If you cook it with meat, the meat will become overcooked. The weakest is white hellebore, cut into pieces and soaked in the amount of five darachmi in nine ukiyah of rainwater for three days; it is filtered, heated and drunk. Next comes white hellebore, finely chopped and boiled after soaking for three days in a quantity of rittl in two cysts of rainwater. It is boiled until one third of the broth remains, and then the hellebore is taken out and placed in water of the best purified honey in the amount of two rittles; The water is allowed to thicken, and one large spoon of this syrup is taken as it is or with hot water. It's harmless and safe. Next comes the finely chopped peel; then the peel is roughly crushed, which is taken with barley water so that it does not remain at all in the throat and stomach, then the peel is ground into powder, condensed in honey. This medicine is mostly harmful because it remains in the food passages. The one who drinks such a medicine should be fed with something that eliminates the phenomena that can occur during spasms, such as chicken broth, hyssop syrup, pulegium mint, rue, lentils and fragrant oils made from sativa, iris and lupine . He should have vinegar with a pungent smell, apples, quinces, hot bread, fragrant wine, medicine that causes sneezing. It is also necessary to have a pen, a bench, a bed, a flat bed and various jars ready.

If they want to cause a slight relaxation in the patient, then they give him a sip of cold water, make him smell incense and feed him food that improves chyme. And if cramps occur or weakness sets in, then they give bread crumbled into wine or water with honey. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat this after a seizure and feed the patient good bread, soaked in cold water. If he gets hiccups during the procedure, he is given water with honey in which the radish was boiled, and if the medicine does not work after some time, then the patient is forced to drink honey with hot water in which the rue was boiled in one gulp, and is given water and oil to drink , induce vomiting using a feather lubricated with sati or iris oil, and swing it on a swing.

And if something like suffocation happens, the patient is given a decoction of hellebore in the amount of three ukiy. This promotes the action of the medicine and stops the symptoms of suffocation. And if this does not help, then they give hot enemas and give three obols of hellebore to drink, not to vomit, but to stop suffocation, and force the patients to sneeze using sneezing agents. If after vomiting the hiccups do not stop, then cups are placed on the large vertebra located between the shoulder blades and on other spinal vertebrae: bloodletting straightens the muscles contracted from hiccups. The convulsively clenched members are lubricated with warming oil and watered from the bathhouse and immersed in the bath.

Wounds and ulcers.
White hellebore has the same effect in this regard as black hellebore.

In this regard, it has the same effect as black hellebore.

Organs of the head.
Snorting the powder from it causes sneezing.

Organs of the eye.
It sharpens vision.

Nutritional organs.
White hellebore causes severe vomiting, and this is dangerous because it can choke. Sometimes it is placed in khabis to induce vomiting. If you are afraid that the patient will suffocate, you should not give him hellebore on an empty stomach. Such patients are weak people.

Excessive consumption of hellebore kills people. She is poison for dogs and for pigs; the excrement of the one who drank it kills the chickens.