Khasha - thyme

This is a herb with white, slightly reddish flowers and thin stems resembling the stems of aromatic rush. Its flowers are round, and its leaves are small, thin, numerous; At the ends of the stems there are heads with purple flowers. Dioscorides says: “It is a small, thorny plant, around the stems of which small thin leaves sit.” Most often, thyme grows on rocks.

Hot, dry to the third degree. Rufus says: “It is drier than pulegium mint.”

Actions and properties.
Dissolves and removes thickened and coagulated blood; warms so much that the syrup from it prevents goose bumps from appearing in winter.

Thyme resolves warts.

Tumors and acne.
Thyme is used to make medicinal dressings with vinegar for recent mucous tumors.

Tools with joints.
Thyme is drunk to relax the nerves, and with oatmeal and wine is used as a medicinal bandage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Thyme syrup helps relieve pain that occurs under the cartilage of the false ribs.

Organs of the eye.
Thyme is mixed with food, and this preserves the strength of vision and eliminates its weakness.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Thyme in the form of a decoction or medicine with honey for licking cleanses the chest and lungs, promotes expectoration and soothes pain in the cartilage of the false ribs.

Due to its drying effect, thyme prevents hemoptysis.

Nutritional organs.
Thyme promotes digestion, and thyme syrup “powerfully relieves indigestion and lack of appetite.

Eruption organs.
Thyme drives urine and menstruation and removes worms. If you drink from two to four dirhams of thyme, it drives away mucus without harm, causing sufficient relaxation.