
Hemopleuritis is an inflammation of the pleura, accompanied by the accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity.

Causes of hemopleuritis:

  1. Trauma to the chest, which leads to damage to the pleural vessels.

  2. Tumors of the lungs or pleura. Tumor cells damage blood vessels and cause bleeding.

  3. Inflammatory lung diseases - tuberculosis, pneumonia. Inflammation spreads to the pleura.

  4. Systemic diseases, such as hemophilia, in which blood clotting is impaired.

Symptoms of hemopleuritis:

  1. Chest pain that gets worse with breathing and coughing.

  2. Shortness of breath due to compression of the lung by accumulated blood.

  3. Increased body temperature, chills.

  4. Cough with bloody sputum.

Diagnosis is based on radiography and analysis of pleural fluid obtained during puncture. Treatment includes drainage of the pleural cavity, elimination of the cause of bleeding, and antibacterial therapy. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment.