Hyltit - Ferula stinking gum, asafoetida

Hyltitis comes in two types: smelly and fragrant and does not have a strong odor. The stinking hiltite is all hot and of both genera it is the more fiery. Most often it is brought from Kayravan, and it is mahrus gum.

Hot at the beginning of the fourth degree, dry at the second.

Actions and properties.
Hyltite, with its absorbent properties, breaks and drives away the winds, but at the same time it swells. It breaks off and dissolves the blood that has clotted inside the body.

Hyltit in the form of mud cakes with vinegar and pepper helps against “fox” disease, and if consumed in dishes, it improves complexion and reduces “nail warts.”

Tumors and acne.
If you open up tumors that are malignant and deadly for a given organ and put chyltitis on them, then this helps. It is also good for treating external and internal boils.

Wounds and ulcers.
Hiltit helps against lichen.

Tools with joints.
Drinking chyltite in pomegranate juice helps with muscle ruptures and nerve pain caused, for example, by spasms and paralysis. It is taken in the amount of one obol and is said to be mixed with wax and swallowed, or drunk in wine with pepper and rue.

Organs of the head.
Hyltite is used to fill the hollows of corroded teeth or mixed with incense and applied to the tooth. It acts on epilepsy like peony, and if you gargle with it, it removes leeches from the throat.

Organs of the eye.
Hyltit is good as an ointment with honey for incipient cataracts.

Respiratory and chest organs.
If you dissolve chyltite in water and drink it in sips, it immediately clears your voice and helps with chronic roughness of the throat. If you take it with an egg, it helps against chronic cough and cold shusa and has the same effect as fenugreek on the swelling of the uvula.

Nutritional organs.
When consumed together with dry figs, chyltit helps against jaundice. This is one of the drugs that harms the stomach and liver.

Eruption organs.
Hyltitis helps with kidney problems, increases lust, drives away urine and menstruation, and helps with pain and ulcers in the intestines. Paul states that chyltite has a slight laxative power, although it is an astringent. Everyone knows that hiltitis sometimes helps with chronic cold diarrhea.

Hyltitis is very useful for quartan fever.

Hyltit is applied to the place bitten by a rabid dog and reptiles, especially scorpions and karakurt. It helps with all this in the form of a drink or ointment with olive oil. Hyltite also removes damage from poisoned arrows and is useful against some simooms.