
Hiniophone: application and properties

Quiniophone is a drug belonging to the group of antimicrobial drugs. It is a derivative of 8-hydroxyquinoline and is used to treat infections caused by bacteria.

The international name for Hiniophone is also “Hiniophone”. However, in some countries it may be known by other synonyms such as "Yatren".

How does Quiniophone work?

Quiniophone has a bactericidal effect on many types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and others. It works by binding to metal ions such as iron, copper and zinc in bacterial proteins, causing disruption and death.

Indications for use of Quiniophone

Quiniophone is used to treat infections caused by bacteria, such as:

  1. urinary tract infections;
  2. skin and soft tissue infections;
  3. gastrointestinal tract infections;
  4. respiratory tract infections.

How to take Quiniophone?

Quiniophone is available in the form of tablets for oral use. The dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor and depend on the severity of the infection and the patient’s condition.

Before starting to use Quiniophone, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Possible side effects of Quiniophone

Like any medicine, Quiniophone may cause side effects. Some of them may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, allergic reactions and others.

If you experience any side effects while taking Quiniophone, you should consult your doctor immediately.


Quiniophone is an antimicrobial drug that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria. It has a bactericidal effect on many types of bacteria and can be effective in the treatment of infections of the urinary tract, skin and soft tissues, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. Like any other drug, you should consult your doctor before starting to use Quiniophone.