Hospital food ration

Hospital Food Rations: what is it and why is it needed?

Hospital Food Ration (HRR) is food intended for persons undergoing inpatient treatment or examination in hospitals and infirmaries of the Armed Forces. It is one of the important components of the diagnostic and treatment process and helps maintain the health of patients in difficult moments.

The Hospital Food Ration consists of a set of products that meet certain requirements. It should be nutritionally balanced, easy to digest, safe and easy to use. In addition, it must meet the dietary requirements of each patient - taking into account age, gender, health status, allergies and other factors.

Hospital food rations can contain a variety of products: from porridge and soups to meat and fish, from fruits and vegetables to dairy products and bread. Each product has its own function and contains essential nutrients. For example, cereals are rich in carbohydrates and fiber, meat and fish contain proteins necessary for tissue growth and repair, and fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Hospital food rations have several advantages. First, it provides patients with essential nutrients during a difficult period and helps maintain their health. Secondly, it is convenient to use - patients do not need to cook their own food or order it from a restaurant. Thirdly, it is safe - all products undergo strict quality control and meet dietary requirements.

In addition, Hospital Food Rations can help patients diet and control their weight. For example, if a patient is prescribed a diet limited in fat or carbohydrates, the PPG will meet these requirements. Additionally, if a patient is unable to eat regular food due to illness or post-surgical condition, PPG will provide essential nutrients and help the body recover.

Thus, the Hospital Food Ration is an important component of the diagnostic and treatment process, which helps maintain the health of patients in difficult times. It provides patients with essential nutrients, is easy to use and safe. In addition, it helps with dieting and weight control. Therefore, Hospital Food Ration is an integral part of treatment and examination in hospitals and infirmaries of the Armed Forces.

More than one thousand years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, and such products are still actively used in our time. The concept of “rations” came into the Russian language during the reign of Nicholas II from French, where, in turn, the word came thanks to Napoleon, who organized a system during the period of the French Empire