Hot water bottle Salt

A salt heating pad is a medical product for heating various parts of the body.

Main characteristics:

  1. Country of origin - Russia
  2. Manufacturer - Delta-Term company
  3. The principle of operation is based on a chemical heating reaction during the interaction of metallic sodium located inside the heating pad with water
  4. Used for heating and relieving pain from colds, pain in joints, muscles, etc.
  5. Available in various forms, convenient for application to different parts of the body: children's, ENT (for heating the throat and nose), collar, mattress, mask, insoles
  6. The heating pad is a disposable product; repeated use reduces its effectiveness.
  7. Simple and easy to use, does not require additional devices
  8. Belongs to the category of medical products

A salt heating pad is an effective and safe means of heating for colds and inflammatory diseases. Produced in Russia by the Delta-Term company in various convenient forms.