Ring-shaped cartilage

The annular cartilage or cricoid cartilage is a cartilaginous tissue that is found in the larynx and forms the basis for the formation of the vocal cords. It is shaped like a ring that surrounds the vocal cords and protects them from damage.

The annular cartilage consists of two layers: external and internal. The outer layer consists of dense connective tissue, and the inner layer is made of elastic cartilage tissue. Between these layers is a layer of hyaline cartilage tissue, which provides flexibility and mobility to the vocal cords.

In addition, the annular cartilage has several functions: it ensures the proper functioning of the vocal cords, protects them from injury and infection, and also participates in the production of sound when speaking.

Annular cartilage diseases can lead to a variety of health problems, including loss of voice, hoarseness, and even complete loss of the ability to speak. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of this organ and, if necessary, consult a doctor.