Hudad - Lycia juice

The prevailing opinion is that Indian khudad is the squeezed juice of filzahraj. Khudad is often counterfeited in such a way that the fake is difficult to recognize and eludes even experienced people. Namely: take the squeezed juice of barberries and boil in water until it thickens. The power of khudad is close to the power of a rarefied, fiery substance and to the power of cold earthiness.

As for the Meccan hudad, it is something artificial.

Indian khudad is stronger than Meccan one in terms of its effect on hair and strengthening it, and Meccan one has a stronger effect on tumors.

Balanced in relation to heat and cold, dry to the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Indian khudad slightly dissolves and tightens, helps with any bleeding. It absorbs more strongly than it astrings, and in terms of resorption it occupies the second degree, and its astringent property is also inferior to that of drying. It also has a diluting property.

Khudad dyes hair red, strengthens it, especially Indian hair, and removes freckles. All types of khudad are useful against nailworms.

Tumors and acne.
Khudad helps against loose tumors and herpes.

Wounds and ulcers.
Both types of khudad help against malignant ulcers.

Tools with joints.
It strengthens these organs.

Organs of the head.
Indian khudad helps against purulence from the ear and ulcers in the ears. It is applied to the palate at the kula. It cures ulcers and gum disease.

Organs of the eye.
Khudad helps against inflammation of the eyes, cleanses the cornea, removes film from it and cures trachoma.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Indian khudad is given to drink for hemoptysis and cough.

Nutritional organs.
Drinking Indian khudad is useful for “black jaundice” and diseases of the spleen; It also works in the form of an ointment. Fumigation with khudad produces the same effect and helps relieve the stomach.

Eruption organs.
Khudad helps with fissures in the anus. It is drunk or injected into the anus for chronic diarrhea, as well as for diarrhea due to a weak stomach and dysentery. It drives menstruation, and its fresh fruit removes watery mucus and helps against ulcers in the buttocks. Khudad delays bleeding in women and helps with kidney problems.

The fruits of Khudad help against deadly poisons, and Indian Khudad is given as a drink against the bite of a rabid dog.

It is replaced by an equal weight amount of filzahraj or an equal weight amount of areca fruits and santhal taken equally.