Idiocy (from the Greek ἰδιώτης “private person, individual person”) is the general name for mental disorders, which are essentially severe forms of dementia (mental retardation), the causes of which can be congenital (genetic, hereditary diseases) or acquired brain lesions Idiocy occurs when damage to almost the entire brain, as a result of which the patient’s intelligence is reduced to the most primitive level. Roughly speaking, the mental activity of a dysostic person drops to the stage of development of a child in the first year of life. This condition is characterized by the fact that the patient constantly expresses interests in the most primitive forms. For example, he wants to draw, chew and swallow large pieces of food, he wants to make stereotypical random movements with his arms and legs at rest. Some people engage in mindless activities such as cutting or picking up pieces of objects or simply tearing clothes. The patient tends to be constantly on the move