If you want to live long, smell the flowers

Aromatherapy is a treatment method that uses essential oils and other scents to promote health and treat various diseases. With the help of aromatherapy, you can not only improve the physical condition of the body, but also improve your mood, get rid of depression, improve memory and concentration.

Interestingly, odors affect our body not only through the nose, but also through the skin and lungs. For example, when massaged with essential oils, they enter the bloodstream through the skin and have a healing effect on internal organs.

Recent research has shown that smells can influence brain function and improve productivity. Certain scents, such as lavender, mint and rosemary, can improve memory and concentration. At the same time, odors that stimulate the appetite, such as the smell of fresh baked goods or coffee, can lead to overeating and excessive calorie intake.

One of the most interesting aspects of smells is their connection to our health. Some diseases can manifest themselves through a characteristic odor, for example, the smell of vinegar from the mouth may indicate problems with the stomach, and the smell of acetone from the mouth may indicate problems with the pancreas.

Modern research shows that smells can have a positive effect on our psyche. For example, the scent of lavender can help you relax and reduce stress, while the scent of jasmine and rose can improve your mood and induce a feeling of happiness.

In conclusion, we can say that using scents is a simple and affordable way to improve your health and mood. In order to live long and well, smell flowers and enjoy aromatherapy.