Needle Epidural

Epidural needle: device and application

An epidural needle is a medical instrument that is used to administer medications into the epidural space of the spinal canal. This space is located between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord and contains fluid that protects the spinal cord. An epidural needle can deliver medications into this fluid, which can lead to relief from back and leg pain.

The epidural needle is manufactured by Shanghai Jianda Medical Apparatus and Instruments Co Ltd in China. It belongs to the group of medical instruments and is also known as injection needles or a needle for spinal anesthesia. It may also be called a spinal needle, butterfly needle, needles or butterfly needles.

The epidural needle has a length from 7 to 15 cm and a diameter from 0.2 to 0.6 mm. It consists of a thin and sharp metal needle that is inserted into the epidural space through the skin and soft tissue of the spine. The needle has a handle that provides control over the direction and depth of insertion.

Epidural needles are widely used in medicine to relieve pain. It can be used for pain relief during childbirth, after lower body surgery, and in the treatment of back and leg pain. The needle may also be used to inject anesthetics into the area of ​​the spinal cord, which can cause complete loss of sensation in the lower body, and is used during some lower body surgeries.

However, like any medical instrument, an epidural needle has its risks. In some cases, its use may lead to headaches, infections, nerve damage, bleeding, or other complications. Therefore, before using an epidural needle, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the patient and evaluate the benefits and risks of its use.

In conclusion, the epidural needle is an important tool for relieving pain and providing anesthesia to the lower body. However, its use should only be done under the supervision of qualified medical personnel who can evaluate the benefits and risks of its use for a particular patient.