Ileostomy Suspended

Suspension ileostomy: overview and features

A suspension ileostomy is a surgical procedure in which a drain is inserted into the colon and the outer end of the drain is held against the surface of the skin with a rubber cuff. This procedure is used to create an ileostomy, which is an artificial opening in the abdominal wall through which the contents of the small intestine are drained.

A suspension ileostomy is usually performed in cases where it is necessary to bypass or temporarily interrupt the normal path of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This may be necessary for diseases and conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer or bowel motility problems.

The hanging ileostomy procedure involves several steps. First, the surgeon creates an ileostomy by cutting out a small section of the small intestine and attaching it to the anterior abdominal wall. The outer end of the intestine then comes out through a hole in the abdominal wall and is secured to the surface of the skin with a rubber cuff. This cuff prevents unwanted leakage of intestinal contents and ensures reliable fixation of the drainage.

Suspension ileostomy has several advantages. First, it allows you to temporarily or permanently change the path of food, which can be life-saving for certain medical conditions. Second, it makes it easier to control elimination and eliminate the need for food to pass through the diseased segment of the intestine, which can promote healing and improve the patient's health.

However, like any surgical procedure, a suspension ileostomy has its risks and limitations. There may be complications such as infection, irritation of the skin around the cuff, improper placement of the drain, or leakage of bowel contents. Patients who have had a suspension ileostomy require special care for the stoma, regular examination and support from medical personnel.

In conclusion, suspension ileostomy is an important surgical procedure that creates an ileostomy using a drain secured to the surface of the skin with a rubber cuff. It may be necessary to bypass or temporarily stop the normal passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Patients who have had this procedure require specialized care and regular monitoring. It is important to discuss all the possible risks and benefits of a hanging ileostomy with a healthcare professional so you can make an informed decision.

Although hanging ileostomy may cause some anxiety for patients, it can significantly improve quality of life and relieve symptoms for certain medical conditions. Modern medical developments and improvements in the field of dentistry make it possible to minimize possible complications and provide greater comfort for a hanging ileostomy.

It is important to remember that each case of suspension ileostomy is individual, and the decision to perform this procedure should be made in collaboration with a medical specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the general condition of the patient. He or she can provide the information you need, answer questions, and help you make an informed decision about a hanging ileostomy.


A suspension ileostomy is an important procedure that can be used to bypass or temporarily interrupt the normal passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This procedure creates an ileostomy using a drain attached to the surface of the skin with a rubber cuff. Although hanging ileostomy may have risks and requires special care, it can significantly improve quality of life and relieve symptoms in patients with certain medical conditions. It is important to have a detailed consultation with a medical professional to obtain complete information and make an informed decision regarding a hanging ileostomy.