Rabies Immunoglobulin From Horse Blood Serum Liquid

Rabies Immunoglobulin From Horse Blood Serum Liquid: Application and Production

Rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum liquid is an important medical product used for the prevention and treatment of rabies. Rabies is a dangerous and often fatal viral disease that is transmitted through the bites of infected animals such as dogs, cats, foxes and other wild animals. Vaccination and treatment with immunoglobulins are effective methods for the prevention and treatment of rabies.

Rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum is a protein preparation that contains antibodies to the rabies virus. It is produced by extracting the blood serum of horses that have been immunized with a rabies vaccine. Next, the serum undergoes special purification and fractionation to obtain a concentrated drug containing a high concentration of antibodies.

Rabies immunoglobulin liquid from horse blood serum is produced in Ukraine at the Biolek enterprise - Kharkov enterprise for the production of immunobiological preparations and in Russia at Microbe RNIPI. The drug has the international name "Antirabies Immunoglobulin" and is an injection solution available in a dosage of 150 IU/ml.

Rabies immunoglobulin liquid from horse blood serum is widely used in medicine to treat people who are at risk of contracting rabies. The drug is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously for several days after the bite of an infected animal to prevent the development of the disease.

In addition, liquid rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum can be used to prevent rabies in people who have to work with animals at risk of contracting rabies, such as veterinarians, zoo workers, hunters and others.

In conclusion, liquid rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum is an important medical product that saves the lives of people exposed to rabies. The production of the drug in Ukraine and Russia ensures its availability for medical institutions and patients in need of treatment. The quality and effectiveness of the drug is ensured by high standards of production and quality control, which allows us to achieve maximum efficiency and safety when using it.

Despite the fact that liquid rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum is a very effective drug, its use should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician and in strict accordance with the instructions for use. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects and restrictions on the use of the drug in certain groups of patients.

Thus, rabies immunoglobulin from liquid horse blood serum is an important drug for the prevention and treatment of rabies, which is produced in Ukraine and Russia. This drug is highly effective and safe when used, which can save the lives of people at risk of contracting rabies.