Inflammation Ichorous

Ichorous inflammation is an inflammation in which abundant yellowish-green pus is formed, reminiscent of blood serum in consistency.

With ichorous inflammation, pus accumulates in the cavities and tissues of the body. In this case, the pus has a specific appearance - it is liquid, homogeneous, containing protein and leukocytes.

Causes of ichorous inflammation:

  1. Infectious diseases - purulent infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, E. coli.

  2. Injuries with tissue damage.

  3. Operations and medical procedures.

  4. Inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

Ichorous inflammation is dangerous due to the accumulation of pus and intoxication of the body by tissue decay products. Complications can include abscesses, cellulitis, and sepsis.

Treatment consists of eliminating the source of infection, opening ulcers, draining cavities, and antibacterial therapy. It is important to promptly recognize ichorous inflammation and begin adequate treatment to prevent complications.

A disease among forms of sepsis. Occurs due to the penetration of a pyogenic infection into the blood from a purulent focus or from another heart defect. Bleeding ulcers of the legs under the influence of infection become the gateway of infection for pyemic microorganisms. In these cases, microbes and spores enter the general blood flow with veritrocytes. micrognas and other pathogens. During the period of convalescence (4-14 days from the onset of ichorous inflammation) and at a later date, when the symptoms of general poisoning of the body completely disappear, a disease may occur that occurs as an abortive infectious pneumonia with characteristic changes in the respiratory system. This disease includes all pneumonias that precede the development of pneumonia or recur as pneumonia of aseptic damage to the lung tissue.

Etiology and pathogenesis. The mechanism of development of inflammation and ichorosis is associated with the characteristics of infection penetration into the body. The most common cause of the disease is deep tissue damage due to injuries to the extremities, complications of acute infections of the respiratory tract, teeth and osteoarticular system. Ichoromic inflammation is less known as sepsis - direct infection of the blood by microflora from some source, for example, a tooth cavity. In this case, the infection may enter through the blood or

**ICHOROUS inflammation** is a bacterial inflammation that is characterized by purulent discharge with a high content of protein and polysaccharides.

The development of the disease usually occurs in the presence of infected wounds or other soft tissue injuries, for example, after trauma, surgery or medical procedures.

**Causes of inflammation** Ichorous inflammation can be caused by various bacterial infections such as staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Some of them can be transmitted through damaged areas of the skin.

The bacteria that cause this form of inflammation enter the

Nowadays, there are plenty of inflammations of various etiologies, but in various fields of science there is still room for mysterious questions: “Inflammations of unknown origin. What it is? And how to deal with this?

One example of such mysterious inflammations is ichorous inflammation. If you don't know what it is, you might be