Foreign Bodies

Eating food increases the risk of foreign bodies getting into the throat.

Foreign bodies in the pharynx can lead to difficulty breathing, swallowing, and cause severe pain and bleeding. If a foreign body is stuck in the throat, it must be removed as soon as possible.

To remove foreign bodies from the pharynx, various methods are used: removal by coughing, rinsing the pharynx with water, removal with tweezers or the endoscopic method. Before removing a foreign body, it is necessary to examine the pharynx and evaluate its nature and location.

When removing foreign bodies from the pharynx, you must be extremely careful not to damage the mucous membrane or cause bleeding. If the foreign body cannot be removed on your own, you must seek medical help.

In general, foreign bodies in the ear, nose and throat can cause various health problems, so precautions must be taken to avoid them from entering these organs. Children should be taught the dangers of putting objects in their ears, nose, and mouth, and should be supervised when playing or eating. If a foreign body does get into the ear, nose or throat, you must immediately seek medical help to avoid possible complications.