
Iophobia is the fear of technology and high-tech devices. A person suffering from iophobia tends to experience uncertainty and apprehension when using electronics and gadgets. He may refuse to use smartphones, tablets, computers and other devices, even if it is absolutely necessary for work or communication.

The causes of iophobia can vary, but as a rule, they are associated with certain experiences in the past. For example, a person may experience unpleasant sensations when his device stops working or breaks down. In this case, he will be afraid to purchase new devices, and may even refuse to use them completely. Also, iophobes may experience psychological discomfort associated with the speed and ease of using modern technologies. For example, a yophobe may dislike communication through text messages, considering it less personal and unable to express all shades of emotion.

However, it should be noted that the iophobe himself cannot be called a pathological person. Many people are afraid of various things, but this does not make them iophobic. If a person has serious concerns about using technology, they should consult a professional. A psychologist or therapist will help you cope with fear and understand its causes.

Iophobia is the fear of any news related to gadgets and computers. In simple terms, it is a fear of electronic devices and technology in general.

1. Basics of insurance. Iophobia appeared due to various problems and shortcomings of electronic technology. For example: computer explosions, fires due to overheating of equipment, loss of all files due to a sudden failure. All this brings fear to any person who deals with electronic devices every day. Even if your computer works properly and does not overheat, you still have a chance that this device will break, burn out or turn off. These ideas make you think every day that your computer may fail. In turn, these thoughts cause emotional stress. The person becomes nervous, tired and irritable. Such actions cause psychological illness and personality degradation. It is almost impossible to come to terms with your feelings without terrible news. People