
Isodibut: an effective drug for treating diabetes complications

Isodibut (international name - Isodibut) is an effective medicine that is used to treat complications associated with diabetes. The drug is produced by the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company Farmak and belongs to the pharmacological group of additional antidiabetic agents.

Isodibut is available in the form of tablets of 500 mg, the active substance of which is isodibut. This component helps reduce the risk of diabetes complications such as diabetic neuropathy, angiopathy, retinopathy, cataracts and Mönckeberg's sclerosis.

Of course, like any other medicine, Isodibut has its contraindications and side effects. The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Allergic skin reactions may occur as a side effect.

Despite this, Isodibut is a safe and effective drug for most patients suffering from diabetes complications. It has no data on interactions with other medications, or on overdose.

However, it is worth considering that in case of gastrointestinal dysfunction, it is recommended to take Isodibut after meals.

In conclusion, Isodibut is an effective medicine for treating complications of diabetes. It helps reduce the risk of serious complications associated with this disease. If you suffer from diabetes and its complications, be sure to consult your doctor for recommendations on the use of Isodibut.