Pressure Meter Ua-100

Pressure meter UA-100: a convenient and accurate device for monitoring blood pressure

Measuring blood pressure is an important procedure in medicine, as it allows you to monitor the condition of the patient’s cardiovascular system. For this purpose, various devices are used, including the UA-100 pressure meter produced by Pharm-Group.

UA-100 is a compact and easy-to-use device that allows you to measure blood pressure and pulse rate with high accuracy. It has a cuff that is wrapped around the patient's upper arm and inflated to a certain pressure level. The device then automatically measures the pressure level in the cuff and displays the result on its screen.

One of the advantages of the UA-100 is that it is equipped with an automatic pressure detection function, which simplifies the measurement process and reduces the likelihood of errors. In addition, the device has a memory function that allows you to save measurement results for subsequent analysis and monitoring.

The UA-100 also has heart rate measurement capability, which is an important addition to blood pressure monitoring. This function allows you to determine the patient's heart rate and identify possible abnormalities.

The UA-100 pressure meter has the international name “Pressure Meter” and additional synonyms such as “Blood Pressure Meter”, “Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Meter”, “UA-100 Blood Pressure Meter” and others.

The use of the UA-100 pressure meter can be useful for both professional healthcare workers and home use. This device is a reliable and accurate tool for monitoring blood pressure and pulse rate, which allows you to promptly identify possible diseases and prevent their development.