Isozid Comp. 300Mg N

Izozid Comp.300mg N: Combined anti-tuberculosis drug

Izozid Comp.300mg N is a combined anti-tuberculosis drug produced in Germany by Fatol Artsneimittel GmbH. This drug is widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis and is a film-coated tablet containing 300 mg of active ingredients - isoniazid and pyridoxine.

Izozid comp.300 mg N belongs to the pharmacological group of combined anti-tuberculosis drugs. It effectively fights tuberculosis pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and helps prevent the development of resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs.

The international name of the drug, Isoniazid + Pyridoxine, indicates its composition, the main components of which are isoniazid and pyridoxine. Isoniazid is one of the main anti-tuberculosis drugs and has a bacteriostatic effect on tuberculosis pathogens, inhibiting their growth and reproduction. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is included in the drug as an auxiliary component and helps improve its therapeutic properties.

The use of Izozid Comp.300 mg N allows you to achieve effective control over tuberculosis infection and reduce the likelihood of complications. However, like any medicine, Izozid Comp. 300 mg N can cause side effects. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor and become familiar with the body’s possible reactions to the drug.

The general course of treatment, dosage and regimen of Izozid Comp. 300 mg N should be determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. You should strictly follow your doctor's instructions and do not change the dosage without his approval.

In conclusion, Izozid Comp.300mg N is a combination anti-tuberculosis drug developed for the effective treatment of tuberculosis. Its use should be under the supervision of a physician, who will determine the optimal dosage and regimen. It is important to remember that self-medication and dosage changes can lead to undesirable consequences, so you should always consult a medical professional.