Jabrux - mandrake

This is the root of wild luffah, that is, the root of any large luffah. It looks like an image of a person and therefore it is also called Yabrukh, for Yabrukh is the name of an idol created by nature itself, that is, a plant that has a human appearance, no matter whether the bearer of this name actually exists or does not exist. After all, many names indicate things that do not actually exist. The mandrake root that can be found is darkish woody pieces, slightly crumbling, and large, like a large bush.

Mandrake is cold to the third degree and almost as dry. Some people think it has a little warmth to it. As for the roots, they are very cold and drying, and the bark on the roots has little effect. The leaves are consumed dry and fresh, and this is beneficial; There is moisture in the luffah itself.

Actions and properties.
Causes numbness. A tear is obtained from the mandrake, as well as squeezed juice, and the squeezed juice is stronger than the tear. Anyone who wants to cut off an organ is given three obols of this squeezed juice in wine to drink, and this induces hibernation. It is said that if you boil mandrake root with ivory for six hours, it becomes flexible and pliable.

If you rub mandrake leaves on bruises for a week, this will eliminate them without ulceration, especially if you can find fresh leaves. Luffah milk reduces bruises and freckles without burning or burning.

Tumors and acne.
Mandrake is used for hard tumors, ulcers and mumps, and this helps. And if the mandrake root is finely crushed and applied with vinegar to the carbuncle, it will cure it.

Tools with joints.
Mandrake root with oatmeal serves as a medicinal bandage for joint pain and sometimes cures elephantiasis.

Organs of the head.
Mandrake causes hibernation and drowsiness, and if put in wine, it becomes very intoxicating. Sometimes mandrake is inserted into the anus and this causes hibernation; sniffing mandrake also causes hibernation. This refers to that mandrake that has white leaves and does not have a stem and is called male. Eating luffah in large quantities and sniffing it frequently, especially luffah white-leaved mandrake, causes saktu.

A wine against insomnia is sometimes prepared from mandrake and it drives away insomnia, namely: three manna barks are taken from the mandrake root, put in one matrat of sweet wine and three kiafs are given to drink. Sometimes the peel of the mandrake is boiled in wine so that the wine takes its strength from it. This wine is consumed in large quantities to induce hibernation, and in smaller quantities to put people to sleep.

Some doctors put a mandrake who has been put to sleep in very cold water to wake him up. I believe the purpose of this is to concentrate heat.

Organs of the eye.
Mandrake tear in eye medicines soothes excessive pain. Medicinal dressings are also made from mandrake leaves.

Nutritional organs.
One uqiya of mandrake tears with honey-sweetened water causes, like hellebore, vomiting of bile and mucus.

Eruption organs.
Inserting half an obol of mandrake tears into the vagina drives urine and expels the fetus. Luffah seeds, if drunk, cleanse the uterus. If they are mixed with sulfur, which has not been touched by fire, and the woman inserts them into the vagina, this will stop the bleeding from the uterus. Luffah milk drives away mucus and bile. If a small child eats luffah by mistake, he will experience vomiting and diarrhea, and sometimes he even dies.

Mandrake with honey and olive oil is applied to the bite sites. Said Dioscorides: “The mandrake, and especially that kind of it that is similar to the white-leaved one, but only with small leaves, is an antidote to the deadly nightshade.” Fatal mandrake poisoning is preceded by such signs as “suffocation of the uterus,” reddening of the cheeks, bulging of the eyes; In addition, the poisoned person's face swells, as if he were drunk. The treatment for this is oil with honey and vomiting.