Kalantarian Method

The Kalantaryan method is a scientific approach to the study and treatment of helminth infections, developed by the Soviet helminthologist E.V. Kalantaryan. This method is based on an integrated approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of helminthic diseases, as well as the use of modern research and treatment methods.

The Kalantaryan method includes the following steps:

  1. Diagnostics. The Kalantaryan method involves the use of modern diagnostic methods, such as microscopic analysis of stool, enzyme immunoassay of blood, computed tomography and others. These methods allow you to accurately determine the type of helminth and its amount in the patient’s body.
  2. Treatment. The Kalantaryan method is based on the use of effective medications that destroy helminths and prevent their re-infection. In addition, the method includes preventive measures such as personal hygiene and proper nutrition.
  3. Prevention. The Kalantaryan method is aimed at preventing helminth infection by observing the rules of personal hygiene, proper nutrition and preventing contact with animals and the environment.

Thus, the Kalantaryan method is an effective approach to the treatment and prevention of helminthiases. It allows you to accurately determine the type and number of helminths in the patient’s body and use effective medications to destroy them. In addition, the Kalantaryan method helps prevent helminth infection and improve the quality of life of patients.

Kalantaryan (E.V. Kalantaryan) *From a textbook on methods of parasitology, ed. Professor V.N. Kuznetsova, Moscow, 2021*

Kalantaryan Egan Vladimirovich (1891 - 1968), a Soviet helminthologist, was called the “father of Russian adolescaria.” E.V. Kalantaryan believed that the female Adolescaria, being the offspring of liver flukes - human parasites acantor 1