Calpol 6 Plus

Calpol 6 Plus: an effective analgesic and antipyretic agent

Calpol 6 Plus is one of the most popular and widely used drugs in the analgesic-antipyretic category. It contains the active substance paracetamol and is intended to relieve pain of mild to moderate intensity, as well as to reduce temperature during colds.

The country of origin of Calpol 6 Plus is the UK, where the companies Wellcome Ltd and Glaxo Wellcome produce this drug. The international name of this drug is paracetamol, and it is present on the market under various synonyms, such as Akamol-Teva, Alka-Seltzer plus analgesic and antipyretic, Aldolor, Aminadol, Acetaminophen and others.

Calpol 6 Plus is available in the form of an oral suspension containing 250 mg of paracetamol per 5 ml of suspension. This is a convenient form for taking the drug, especially for children.

The drug is effective in treating various types of pain, including headaches, toothaches, migraines, back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia and menalgia. It also helps to cope with the feverish syndrome that accompanies colds.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of Calpol 6 Plus. It is not recommended to use this drug in case of hypersensitivity to paracetamol, impaired renal and liver function, alcoholism and in children under 6 years of age.

Like any other drug, Calpol 6 Plus has some side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, as well as agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia, renal colic, aseptic pyuria and interstitial glomerulonephritis may occur.

It is also important to consider possible interactions of Calpol 6 Plus with other drugs. For example, it may increase the effect of indirect anticoagulants and the likelihood of liver damage from hepatotoxic drugs. Metoclopramide increases the rate of absorption of paracetamol, while cholestyramine reduces it. Barbiturates may reduce the antipyretic activity of the drug.

You must be especially careful when using Calpol 6 Plus to avoid overdose. Symptoms of paracetamol overdose may include nausea, vomiting, sweating, drowsiness and jaundice. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately seek medical help.

In general, Calpol 6 Plus is an effective analgesic and antipyretic agent that is widely used to relieve pain and reduce fever in children and adults. However, before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.