Ropeweed, saltpeter and areca seed

A pumpkin-like plant. The Khuzistands say that it is known by this name.

Wounds and ulcers.
They say that Avbutilune is the best medicine for fresh wounds. As soon as it is applied to them, it pulls them together and fills them with meat.

This is the stone on which salt is born, called the “color of asius”; it seems to arise from the sea moisture or dew that falls on it.

Actions and properties.
The property of asiyus and its “color” is opening and healing; it causes slight putrefaction and dissolves rotten meat without burning.

Tumors and acne.
Asiyus resolves abscesses if applied in a medicinal bandage with terebinth gum or Zift.

Wounds and ulcers.
It is useful for difficult-to-heal, old and deep ulcers.

Tools with joints.
Asiyus with barley flour is used for gout; if you immerse the patient's limbs in his decoction, it helps.

Respiratory and chest organs.
If licked with honey, it helps against ulcers in the lungs.

Nutritional organs.
Asiyus with lime and vinegar helps if you lubricate the spleen area with it.

Hot in the second degree, humid in the first.


Strongly cleanses bahak.