
Kinins: polypeptide substances that affect body functions

Kinins are a group of polypeptide substances that are formed in the blood and tissues of the body. They influence blood vessels, smooth muscles and nerve endings, regulating many important functions in the body.

Kinins were discovered in the early 20th century when scientists studied the effects of certain proteins that caused seizures in rats. Since then, kinins have been found to play an important role in regulating blood flow, the immune system, and inflammatory and pain responses.

Kinins can be formed in the body as a result of various processes such as injury, infection and allergic reactions. They cause dilation of blood vessels, increased capillary permeability and increased secretion of glands. This results in increased blood flow and white blood cells to the site of injury, promoting faster recovery.

In addition, kinins contain adenine, which stimulates cell division and growth in plant tissue cultures. This property of kinins is used in agriculture and biotechnology to accelerate the growth and development of plants.

However, increasing the level of kinins in the body can also have negative consequences. For example, the oxygen debt that occurs during intense physical activity can lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the body's muscles. This can cause pain and decreased physical endurance.

In addition, an increase in kinin levels can cause allergic reactions, lower blood pressure, and also contribute to the development of various diseases such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

In conclusion, kinins are a group of polypeptide substances that play an important role in regulating body functions. They can be useful for accelerating plant growth and development, but increasing their levels in the body can have negative effects. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a balance in the content of kinins in the body and take measures to control them if necessary.

Kinins are a group of biologically active polypeptides that are formed in tissues and blood during various injuries. They cause increased vascular permeability, vasodilation, and contraction of smooth muscle. Kinins can also participate in the regulation of the exocrine glands and cause pain.

Kinins were discovered in the 1920s and have been the subject of much research since then. They play an important role in various physiological processes such as immune response, wound healing, blood pressure regulation, etc.

One of the most well-known kinins is bradykinin, which is formed in tissues when damaged and causes vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure. Also, kinins can cause pain and are involved in the regulation of exocrine glands, for example, in the salivary glands, where they are involved in the production of saliva.

Although kinins are important regulators of physiological processes, their excessive production can lead to various diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and chronic pain. Therefore, studying the mechanisms of formation and action of kinins, as well as developing methods for their regulation, is an important task for scientists and doctors.

Kinins (kinin) are a group of biologically active substances of a polypeptide nature, characterized by a wide range of biological effects achieved due to disruption of the regulation of vascular tone, associated functions of blood circulation, metabolism and immune reactions. The first mention of their formation was noted by Goetsche on blood serum five minutes after it was poisoned by birds, as well as on lush greenery. However, the true method of obtaining the substance was discovered only in 1947 by Lawrence (Lorand).

Kinins interact with receptors of similar structures, causing a wide range of biochemical effects. The action of kinins on a living cell causes its damage and is accompanied by local inflammation. Diseases associated with the pathology of kinin synthesis and secretion are manifested by symptoms of increased permeability of small blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes, decreased tone and increased reactivity to neurophysiological stimuli.