Kissel Calming

Kissel "Calming": description, advantages and application possibilities

Kissel "Soothing" is a product created by the Leovit Nutrio company in Russia. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of food products and is intended for use as a sedative.

The main component of the “Soothing” jelly is motherwort extract, which is known for its calming properties. Motherwort contains substances that help relax muscles and reduce anxiety.

Kissel "Soothing" is produced in Russia and has an international name, which allows it to be used in various countries.

The advantages of the “Soothing” jelly lie in its natural composition and the absence of harmful substances. It contains no sugar, dyes or preservatives, making it safe for use at any age.

Kissel "Calming" can be used to relieve tension and fatigue, as well as to reduce anxiety and restlessness. It can be especially useful for people suffering from nervous disorders, as well as for those who experience stress and anxiety at work or in everyday life.

Kissel "Soothing" has a simple preparation method: just dilute the contents of the package in water and bring to a boil. It can be consumed both hot and cold.

Thus, “Soothing” jelly is a natural product that helps relieve tension and reduce anxiety. Its advantages include safety and ease of use, and can be used at any age.