Klaue Operation

Klaue surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat. It was developed by French otolaryngologist Jacques Claouet in the late 19th century.

The essence of the operation is that the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and then removes the affected tissue or organ. Depending on the disease, only part of the organ or the entire organ may be removed.

Klaue surgery has a number of advantages over other treatment methods. First, it allows you to remove the affected area without having to make a large incision in the skin. Secondly, the operation is performed quickly and without complications. Thirdly, after the operation, the patient can quickly recover and return to normal life.

However, like any other surgery, clawe surgery may have some risks. For example, complications such as infection or bleeding may occur after surgery. Also, surgery may not be effective if the affected area is too large or difficult to remove.

In general, claue surgery is an effective method of treating ear, nose and throat diseases, which allows you to quickly and safely remove the affected area. However, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and choose the right treatment method depending on the specific case.

"Claue is a French otolaryngologist known for his unique surgical techniques for treating and restoring the hearing of patients. He is the founder of modern ear and nose medicine, as well as an innovator in the field of functional pediatric otosurgery. In this article, we will look at the history and significance of his unusual operation - the Claue operation .

Michael Clausier was a French otolaryngologist who specialized in ear, nose and throat surgery. He was born in 1942 and received his M.D. in Paris in 1968. After completing his studies, he worked at the Harley Clinic, London, where he began his research into the treatment of intra-ear problems.

Soon after, he opened his own ear clinic in Lyon (France). During his work at this clinic, Mikhail developed unique treatment methods that included the use of energy (ultrasound) to remove malignant tumors and other damage in the ear.

One of his most famous methods was the type that is the basis of this article, known as the Klaue operation. This technique is used to reduce tympanic protrusion (bulging) and the resulting hearing loss. The method itself was named after its creator, Mikhail Klauer, but its name is often used in medical literature.

The effectiveness of the Klaue operation is due to the fact that the procedure allows access to the formation (using an endoscope or small incisions in the ear shell) and its removal. The patient recovers from surgery in just one or two days, which cannot be said about other methods of treating tympanic protrusions. In some cases, including in the treatment of tumors, the Klaue method can even help restore the patient's hearing by strengthening the tympanic canal.

This remarkable phenomenon happened in the case of a 9-year-old boy. He had hearing problems and tympanic protrusion after suffering from meningitis. His tests showed that he had a tumor in the inner ear canal. Doctors offered several treatment options, but the girl preferred Mikhail’s surgery to Klaue. During the endo operation