Coitus Interruptus

Many people are concerned about contraceptive methods and how to choose the safest option. One such method is interrupted coitus (Coitus interruptus). However, although this method is considered effective in terms of contraception, it may have undesirable consequences for the health and sexual well-being of partners.

What is interrupted coitus? Interrupted coitus is a method of contraception when sexual intercourse occurs in several stages. During foreplay and sexual intercourse, partners can use various caresses, mutual oral sex, or apply additional lubricants from various preparations to the genitals (sold in pharmacies or ordered online). During the use of these substances, these substances reduce the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of the genital organs and lubrication, thus preventing pregnancy. Then during intercourse the man changes partners. He withdraws the penis from the vagina, but then does not stop there. To ensure that pregnancy does not occur, he repeats the entire procedure several more times. As a result, unwanted pregnancy is not