
Kollapan-M: Agent for filling bone cavities

In the world of medicine, there are many innovative products that help restore the health and quality of life of patients. One of these drugs is Kollapan-M, developed by the Russian pharmaceutical company Intermedapatit. Kollapan-M is a tool for filling bone cavities, which is widely used in various fields of bone surgery.

Kollapan-M is produced in Russia and belongs to the group of products for filling bone cavities. It is made from hydroxyapatite with the addition of collagen and medicinal substances. The drug is presented in the form of granules, plates and gel, which are used to fill bone cavities in maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Kollapan-M is a sterile product with registration certificate No. 29/1309100.

The use of Kollapan-M is recommended in all areas of bone surgery, such as dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, spine surgery, purulent surgery, thoracic surgery and military field surgery. It is used to fill bone cavities and defects, as well as to treat purulent complications. What distinguishes Kollapan-M from other similar drugs is its ability to serve as a carrier of medicinal substances, such as lincomycin hydrochloride, gentamicin sulfate, metronidazole, dioxidin, claforan, rifampicin, isoniazid. This allows you to choose a drug that specifically affects the identified pathogen.

Like any medical drug, Kollapan-M has some contraindications. It is not recommended if you have an allergic reaction to the medicinal substances it contains. When using Kollapan-M, you should also follow the manufacturer's special instructions. The drug is supplied in ready-to-use sterile packages, with each package containing a certain number of granules designed to fill a specific volume of bone cavity or bone defect.

Information about Kollapan-M can be found in the manufacturer’s prospectus, as well as on the official website www.collapan.ru.

Kollapan-M is a significant achievement in the field of bone surgery and dentistry. Due to its unique properties and ability to serve as a carrier of medicinal substances, it provides surgeons with an effective tool for restoring bone tissue and treating various pathologies. However, as always, it is recommended that you consult with a medical professional before using this medication.