Kolomiychenko Fenestration of the Foundation of Stremechka

Kolomiychenko fenestration is a surgical treatment method that is used to eliminate stenosis of the internal auditory canal. It was developed by Alexander Ivanovich Kolomiychenko in the 1970s.

Stenosis of the internal auditory canal is a narrowing of the canal that can lead to hearing loss and other hearing problems. Kolomiychenko proposed using fenestration to widen the passage and eliminate stenosis.

Fenestration is performed through a small incision at the base of the stapes (the bony structure that lies at the junction of the inner and middle ear). After the operation, the doctor removes part of the bone tissue to expand the lumen of the passage.

Kolomiychenko fenestration is an effective method for treating inner ear stenosis. It eliminates the narrowing of the passage and improves the patient’s hearing. However, like any operation, it may have some risks and complications, so before undergoing fenestration, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor.

Kolomiychenko, Fenestration of the base of the stirrup, Set rhythm. The article presents reflections on the theory and practice of fenestration of the base of the stapes when performing a procedure that is a type of milling of the bones of the foot. The basis is an opinion about the peculiarities of the operation of this element and its influence on the outcome of the operation. Particular attention is paid to the issue of preventing deformities of the foot skeleton that occur after this operation. The factors influencing the quality of fenestration resection during the unnatural process of foot growth are considered, and the biomechanical features of the foot-forming process of an adult are studied. Conclusion: Performing a fenestration correction procedure requires very high professionalism of the orthopedic surgeon, the need to clearly follow the trajectory of the resection line and use a gentle technique that promotes good organization of the natural rhythms of foot formation in mature patients.

Kolomiychenko, F. I. Fenestration of the base of the stapedius bone during ecstosis [Text] / F. I. Kolomiychenko // Obstetrics and gynecology. – 2017. – No. 12. Fenestration of the base of the stapes bone (also known as “exostosis”) is the hypertrophied sharpening of the base of the stapes body, consisting of osteophytes. The appearance of exostoses, increasing posteriorly, is associated with mechanical pressure on the base of the stapedial tuberosities of one of the bones of the hip joint (for example, the ilium). The pathological process has no common features with ordinary chronic growths, since it is a consequence of external pathogenic influence. Treatment is usually symptomatic. Increased pressure on the area of ​​​​bone outgrowths indicates disturbances in the functioning of adjacent links: muscle damage, weakening of ligaments or imbalance of the legs. According to the observations of traumatologists, most patients (up to