Optical Attachment Kit

Set of optical attachments: description and features

An optical attachment kit is a set of lenses designed for use with glasses. It was developed by the Milta-PKPGIT company from Russia and is intended to improve the vision of people with various types of ophthalmological problems. This kit is part of the pharmaceutical group of spectacle optics products.

The main purpose of a set of optical attachments is to improve the vision of people suffering from farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism and other eye diseases. The kit contains several lenses of different diopters, which can be easily replaced depending on the user's needs.

The manufacturer of the set of optical attachments is the Milta-PKPGIT company, located in Russia. This company specializes in the production of medical equipment and instruments, including eyeglass attachments.

The optical attachment kit is an international product and is used in many countries around the world. It is popular among people who want to improve their vision but do not want to undergo complex medical procedures such as eye surgery.

A special feature of the optical attachment set is its ease of use and small size. It fits easily into a pocket or bag and can be used in any environment. The kit provides high image quality and ease of use.

In conclusion, a set of optical attachments is a convenient and effective way to improve vision without undergoing complex medical procedures. It was developed by the Russian manufacturer Milta-PKPGIT and is an international product that is popular in many countries around the world.