Korotkov Operation

Korotkov operation

Korotkov's operation is one of the most famous surgical methods in world medicine, and its author, Russian surgeon Nikolai Sergeevich Korotkov, is considered one of the creators of modern surgery.

History of origin and development

Nikolai Sergeevich Korotkov was born in Moscow in 1874 into the family of a diplomat. In 1902, he graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University and began his career as a surgeon in the city hospital. At the beginning of his career, Korotkov specialized in operations in the head area. His first work was related to the treatment of brain injuries and diseases.

However, in 1913, Korotkov took a revolutionary step in the development of surgery, proposing a new method of treating cancer. He named this operation after his name - Korotkova operation. This method was based on the fact that cancer is an infectious disease,