Belladonna Extract Thick

Belladonna Extract Thick: A plant with unique properties

Belladonna extract thick is a pharmaceutical preparation produced in Russia by the Vilar company. It is based on a plant known internationally as Belladonna or Belladonna. Belladonna extract thick belongs to the group of plants with anticholinergic activity, which means its ability to affect the nervous system and reduce the activity of cholinergic receptors.

The composition of the drug includes tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropine, apoatropine and belladonine, as well as volatile compounds. Belladonna extract thick is available in tincture form, which is made by extracting belladonna leaves in 40% ethyl alcohol. The tincture contains 0.027-0.033% alkaloids.

Belladonna extract thick is used to treat various diseases, including peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, cholelithiasis and other conditions accompanied by spasms of smooth muscles, as well as bradycardia (slow heart rate).

However, the drug has some contraindications. It is not recommended for glaucoma as it may cause deterioration of the eye. Side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, accommodative paresis (impaired eye accommodation) and tachycardia (fast heart rate) may also occur.

The interaction of Belladonna extract with other drugs has not yet been fully studied, so there is no data on possible interactions. There is also no sufficient data on overdose and special instructions for use.

Familiarization with literature, such as “Medicines” by M. D. Mashkovsky and “Directory of Medicines” edited by M. A. Klyuev, as well as “Directory of Herbal Medicines” by G. E. Pronchenko, can provide more detailed information about the drug .

Belladonna extract thick is a herbal preparation with unique properties. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist to get more accurate information about its use, dosage, and possible risks and side effects.