Kryvosheya Hypoplastic

Arthroscopists consider **hypoplastic torticollis**, one of the causes of persistent contractionary rotation of the head, to be crooked and even callous. This rare intracranial congenital disease, poorly studied and diagnosed, has an extremely varied course, which does not allow us to understand its etiopathogenesis and, accordingly, prescribe adequate pathogenetic correction.

The problem of congenital scoliotic idiopathic defect is a particularly complex area of ​​pediatric orthopedics due to the deeper damage to all body systems compared to craniostenosis. Such a specific type of connective tissue hypoplasia as **elastic** is extremely poorly studied, as well as the reason for the formation of **extremely** different shapes of loops (loop **A**. P. Yakimy-Rubinstein, loop G.K. Petrov; no loops). The German pediatrician Hans-Eberhard **Schell also contributed to the differential diagnosis.** He proposed calling both types of hypoplastic torticollis, differing in the presence or absence of loops,