Blood circulation Artificial Regional

Cardiopulmonary bypass (also called regional perfusion) is a technique in which blood is artificially directed only to a specific area of ​​the body or organ. This allows for adequate blood supply and oxygenation of vital tissues and organs during vascular surgery or in the event of ischemia.

Regional perfusion is commonly used during surgery on the aorta, carotid arteries, or lower extremity arteries. The patient has arterial and venous vessels proximal to the surgical area cannulated. The blood is then pumped out of the patient's body, saturated with oxygen and sent back through the cannulas exactly to the desired area. This allows you to maintain blood flow and oxygen delivery to vital organs while the main vessels are clamped.

Artificial regional circulation is an effective method of protecting organs and tissues from ischemia. It is widely used in modern vascular surgery.

Artificial regional circulation is a treatment method that involves creating artificial blood flow in certain areas of the body in order to improve blood circulation and metabolism. This method is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, brain injury, as well as for recovery after heart and vascular surgery.

Artificial regional blood circulation is carried out using special equipment that allows you to create artificial blood flow in a certain area of ​​the body. This can be done by using a catheter that is inserted into an artery or vein, or by creating a pump that creates pressure in the vessels. Once artificial blood flow is created, drugs or oxygen can be introduced into the body through a catheter or pump.

The benefits of cardiopulmonary bypass include improved circulation to a specific area, reduced pain and inflammation, and increased tissue healing. However, this method can be dangerous if not performed correctly, so it should only be performed by an experienced professional.

In conclusion, artificial regional circulation is an effective method for treating various diseases and injuries. It allows you to improve blood circulation in a certain area and speed up tissue healing. However, its use should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.