Circle Backing

Backing circle: use, manufacturers and release forms

A pad circle is a medical device that is used to care for patients who require bed rest or are in a state of post-operative recovery. It comes in several forms, including rubber circles in various sizes and packages. The drug is produced by several companies, including Alfaplastik (Russia) and KievGuma (Ukraine), and has the international name “Krug Podkolnoy”.

The pad circle is mainly used to prevent bedsores and to ensure a comfortable position for the patient. It can be used as a pad for patients who are in bed for a long time, and for those who are in post-operative recovery and have limited mobility. The pad circle can be used as a pad for various parts of the body such as shoulder blades, buttocks, feet and elbows.

The manufacturers of the backing circle, Alfaplastic and KievGuma, are large manufacturers of medical products and have many years of experience in the production of high-quality medical products. Both companies use modern technologies in the production of the backing circle, which allows them to produce a high quality product.

The backing circle is available in several forms of packaging, including rubber N1, N2 and N3 packaging, rubber N1, N2 and N3 pieces per box, and rubber N1, N2 and N3 second grade packaging. Various packaging shapes provide convenience and flexibility in the use of the Pad Circle, allowing patients to choose the most suitable shape for their individual needs.

In conclusion, Pad Circle is an important medical product that can help patients maintain a comfortable position and prevent the development of pressure ulcers. It is produced by several companies, including Alfaplastic and KievGuma, and comes in several forms of packaging to suit the needs of different patients. Pad circle is a safe and effective drug that can be used in a variety of medical conditions.