
Xenetics: radiopaque agent for diagnostics

Xenetics, whose international name is Yobitridol, is a radiocontrast agent produced by the French pharmaceutical group Radiocontrast agents. It is an injection solution containing the active substance Yobitridol, in various dosage forms with different iodine concentrations. The manufacturer of Xenetix is ​​Laboratory Gerbet, located in France.

Xenetics is used for a number of diagnostic studies, such as computed tomography, angiography, urography, etc. It provides bright contrast on X-ray images, which allows more accurately determining pathological changes in tissues and organs.

Xenetics has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. Thus, its use is not recommended during myelography, as well as in pregnant and lactating women, if the potential risk to the fetus exceeds the expected effect of the study. Adverse reactions can manifest as isolated or combined disorders of various organs and systems, including collapse and cardiac arrest. They occur more often in people who suffer from allergic diseases or have a history of hypersensitivity to the administration of iodinated contrast agents.

In cases of simultaneous use of Xenetix with diuretics or metformin, caution must be exercised to avoid acute renal failure or the development of lactic acidosis.

Before using Xenetix, medical monitoring of the patient's condition and the availability of equipment for resuscitation and emergency therapy are necessary, especially in patients taking beta-blockers. It is also recommended to maintain abundant diuresis in patients with renal failure, diabetes mellitus, myeloma, hyperuricemia, as well as in elderly patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

Xenetix is ​​an effective drug for diagnostic studies, but its use should only be under medical supervision and in compliance with all recommendations and precautions.