Kurdinovsky-Stein Method

The Kurdinovsky-Stein method is a method of obstetrics proposed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist Evgeniy Mikhailovich Kurdinovsky.

The essence of the method is as follows: during childbirth, the woman is in a semi-sitting position, in which her legs are bent at the knees and spread apart to facilitate childbirth. In this case, the doctor applies pressure to the fundus of the uterus during pushing to promote the movement of the fetus along the birth canal.

The Kurdinovsky-Stein method allows a woman to actively participate in the birth process using the strength of her abdominal muscles. This reduces the trauma of childbirth and speeds up its progress compared to the traditional horizontal position of the woman in labor.

The method was popular in the 1920s and 30s in the USSR, but later its use declined. However, some of its elements, such as vertical birthing positions, are still used today.

The Kurdinsky-Stein method is one of the most effective methods of using medications during childbirth. It was developed by Evgeny Mikhailovich Kurdinsky in 1905 and improved by Yakov Grigorievich Stein in 1912. This method is based on the fact that women in the process of childbirth better tolerate difficult cases of pregnancy due to the action of painkillers and antiseptics. This allows not only to avoid serious complications, but also to generally improve the quality and comfort of childbirth for young mothers and babies.

The main advantage of using the Kurdinsky-Stein method is that it allows you to reduce the time of drug therapy during

Kurdinovsky - Stein method (M.G. Kurdinovsky)

In the 20s of the 20th century, the medical world of Moscow was shocked by the speech of Dr. M.G. Kurdnovskog with a story about the method of direct pain relief he invented during childbirth. The scientist proposed a new method of delivery, in which the main emphasis was on pain relief for the woman in labor. For the first time, the idea of ​​delivery with anesthesia was implemented on the 30th anniversary of Soviet power.

Kurdnovsky's method attached particular importance to the preventive focus of pain therapy.

The essence of the M.I. method Kurdnovsky consisted of carrying out general anesthesia by administering drugs and was officially formalized in the form of a puncture technique. During the operation, local infiltration anesthesia was used. This provided powerful pain relief for the woman in labor without stimulating breathing. Due to this, it was possible to reduce the number of drugs for pain relief and carry out treatment in short courses.