Turmeric Zedoara

Raw materials - Zedoariae rhizoma - are obtained mainly on plantations in Sri Lanka and India. It is very close to Curcuma longa and is used as a remedy for diseases of the stomach, gall bladder and liver.

Turmeric zedoara is a herbaceous plant of the Ginger family. Its rhizomes, known as zedoaryan root, are widely used as a spice and medicine in Ayurveda.

This plant is cultivated mainly in Southeast Asia, especially in India and Sri Lanka. Zedoaria rhizomes have a bright yellow color and a strong aroma. They are rich in essential oils and curcumin compounds, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Ayurvedic medicine, zedoaryan root is used to treat digestive disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. It stimulates the production of bile, has a choleretic effect and helps with biliary dyskinesia. It is also used as a hepatoprotective agent for liver diseases.

Due to its beneficial properties, turmeric zedoara is deservedly considered an effective medicinal plant, especially for maintaining the health of the digestive system.