
Curettage: what is it and what is it used for?

Curettage is a medical procedure that involves curettage of diseased tissue or obtaining tissue samples for diagnostic purposes. This procedure can be performed on the skin or inside organs or body cavities.

The main instrument for curettage is a curette, a spoon-like instrument used to scrape out tissue.

Curettage can be performed for various purposes. It can be used to remove diseased tissue such as basal cell carcinoma or seborrheic keratosis. Additionally, curettage can be used to obtain tissue samples for diagnostic purposes to determine the presence or absence of malignant cells.

Skin curettage is usually combined with cauterization, which further removes diseased tissue and prevents bleeding. However, after curettage, small scars may remain on the skin.

In addition, curettage can be performed inside organs or body cavities. For example, uterine curettage may be used to remove debris from an abortion or to treat certain types of infertility. Curettage may also be performed in the nose or ear to remove diseased tissue.

Curettage is a procedure that can be very useful in diagnosing and treating various diseases. However, before undergoing curettage, you should discuss the risks and benefits of this procedure with your doctor.

Curettage is a surgical technique used to remove diseased tissue and obtain tissue samples for diagnostic purposes. This method is widely used in medicine, especially in gynecology and dermatology.

Curettage is a process in which a doctor uses a special instrument called a curette to scrape the skin or inside of an organ. The tool resembles a spoon and has a pointed end that allows you to remove tissue.

The main advantage of curettage is its effectiveness in removing diseased tissue. The method also allows you to obtain tissue samples for further research and diagnosis. However, curettage can cause scarring of the skin, so it should only be performed by experienced doctors.

One of the most common uses of curettage in dermatology is the removal of basal cell carcinomas, seborrheic keratomas, and other skin lesions. After curettage, small scars may remain on the skin, which may decrease or disappear over time.

In gynecology, curettage is used to treat uterine fibroids and remove cervical polyps. The method can also be used to diagnose and treat diseases of the ovaries and other organs of the reproductive system.

It is important to note that curettage should only be performed by an experienced physician and under the supervision of medical personnel. Improper procedure can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient. Therefore, if you have any health problems, do not hesitate to consult a doctor for consultation and necessary diagnostics.

Curettage, or curettage, is a surgical procedure for scraping or extracting material from an organ or its tissues using a special curette - a surgical spoon, used in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

A curette is a sharp surgical instrument that resembles a metal spoon with a rounded edge and a hole for attaching to an endoscope. It is used to remove deep-rooted tumors, cysts and other neoplasms in the abdominal organs. With its help, you can make a deep analysis of the obtained material with