Labyrinthitis Tympanogenic

Tympanogenic labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the labyrinth that occurs as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process from the tympanic cavity.


The main cause of the development of tympanogenic labyrinthitis is inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, such as acute and chronic purulent otitis media, exudative otitis media. Inflammation from the tympanic cavity and auditory tube spreads directly through the bone tissue or through the labyrinthine windows (oval and round) into the semicircular canals, cochlea and vestibule of the labyrinth.


The main symptoms of tympanogenic labyrinthitis:

  1. Dizziness, noise and ringing in the ears.

  2. Poor balance, staggering when walking.

  3. Nausea, vomiting.

  4. Hearing loss up to deafness.

  5. Pain in the ear, radiating to the back of the head and temple.

In acute cases, symptoms develop quickly, in chronic cases - gradually.


The diagnosis of tympanogenic labyrinthitis is established on the basis of anamnesis, otoscopy, audiometry and vestibulometry.


Treatment includes:

  1. Antibacterial therapy.

  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

  3. Glucocorticoids to relieve labyrinthine edema.

  4. Vestibular preparations.

  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures.

  6. Surgical treatment of chronic purulent otitis media.

With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Acoustic neuritis and destruction of labyrinthine receptors can lead to permanent impairment of hearing and vestibular function.

Tympanogonical labyrinthitis

Labyrinthis tympanic is a specific form of otitis media, which is characterized by purulent damage to the cells of the mastoid process and auditory ossicles. A characteristic feature of tympanic labyrinthitis is damage to the auditory tube with its extensive swelling and narrowing of the lumen. But instead of cleansing and recovery, the labyrinth is gradually destroyed, causing a number of complications.

Causes of tympanic labyrinthitis

The spread of purulent infections through the structures of the middle ear from other inflammatory pathologies of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, with allergic processes in children is characterized. Thymatic labyrinthitis occurs after acute respiratory diseases, runny nose, sore throat, furunculosis, hernia, otitis media and other pathologies inside the sinuses and nasopharynx. Immunodeficiencies, work in hazardous enterprises, ascariasis, sinusitis, problems with the thyroid gland and the body’s endocrine system can also contribute to the development of the disease.

Symptoms of thymatic labyrinthitis

The incubation period reaches 8 days. The onset may resemble other viral or cold diseases. Symptoms include pain that gets worse at night or when chewing, a feeling of a foreign body, tinnitus, weakness, and an increase in temperature to 38 - 40 ºC. Symptoms can quickly become chronic or lead to serious complications. Over time, infections can affect various structures of the ears, causing partial destruction of the hearing system. In some cases